Tuesday, April 22, 2008

FW: blog


another interesting day in NOLA..Pres Bush adn Caldaron are here from US and Mexico and Mary Landriue as well with the prime minister of Canada and guests on trade in North America..simultaneously there is a confernce on Protect the Gulf Coast, where my mind goes to Protect theShldrake and Mamroeck rivers is needed to help save homeowners...their homes....this is by the way EARTH DAY..the anniversary and HAPPY EARTH DAY..
do something Green, make a donatoin in honor of Green Sustainable Communitities initaitives if you can..help us to thin Green and be Green, help us to sponsor Public Trolley transpsporation and also workforce Condos..help us to introduce Green Building products or buy a So No New Ro, greeen bag at our Restores, reccycle, resue and restore the world...we can do it..

I walked and prayed along the Mississsippi this early morning a great engine of trade and commerce and life and legend... there i remember the history srories of the GreatMiss. and now i know it is truly a great gift frmo God...as  I walked with my youth from Bronxville High, last nite, we talked about how important saving Rivers are for our future, the Hudoson, what type ofenergy can be grasped or created...maybe we need to galvanize the Hudson's energy again..to help us preserve this earth and save energy.

so please say a prayer for our families, here in NOLA, and in New Rochelle and Westchester...Erica McConduit returns form WP, after having her Katrina daughter three years agoa nd we will help to rehab her home as well...God bless all the volunteers...also drive by our Lincoln Avenue Homes today in New Rochelle and see the Carpet in and the great donated landscaping by Larchmont Nurseries and also by the Eastchester high school students..
HAPPY EARTH DAY...wtih Gods help and our work we can save the earth and restore it to great days of old and great new days for our future youth...and seniors...God bless, jjk

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