Monday, August 25, 2008

Fw: blog

what a weekend, a great day, with many volunteering...Fordham Law School students volunteer with us on Sat in Yonkers...many come out and help us in the Restores..a new volunteer walks in, can i help...Mary the ultimate volunteer is off for vacation so perfect is ready to start and Grenwich High School contacts me to  start off early with building...Grenwich leader Web and his friend come and see me early get dates to build and join us again, Grenwich borders our Portchester line and we build closer in westchester than we do in Ct. in some places..welcome back..they also have been going to mexico to build for years, which i started when i first got them off the ground.. from there..Tom walks in, can i help you talk to someone who wants to get you foreclosures to buy, and then another good gentleman, comes in, can i paint this weekend for what a great life. so many want to help our mission...remember those who have no homes, and this crisis will be an opportunity to get back to basics..last the trolley ran again, with free public transportation near a bulding i want to here goes, on Monday we continue to get back in the swing..last nite i road and drove my son to Albany to collgege, looking at old housing stock there, and passing the capital, where the state is in interesting times..let us hope and pray and work to change the conditions to make New Yorkers be proud prudent and prayerful to make this one of the greatest states in the country, jjk

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