Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Fw: blog

as we move ahead the Headline reads  Stock market has worst plunge in history..
no question..what a difficult world we live crisis, challenges, but we need to get back to basics for sure.. we need to move back so that we can move ahead..we can move ahead to make this world a better place..the politics of money is such that the vote goes down in Congress a congress with the lowest raiting..electiosn spend a billion dollars but none of them have an idea to help the one is building, except HABITAT...during this crisis we will be making announcements on what we can do to stop this madness, to creatively help people keep their homes, and creatively work with us on financially sound mortgages, mortgages with no interest..with no ability for us to lose thier home because some banker played with selling the mortgages..stay tuned, the excitement is building..
so on this the Jewish New Year, we say Shana Tovah. to our Jewish brothers and sisters to all our friends, to
a better year, with prayer and fasting and celebration and once again to see simple decent homes in place..
with Habitat
God bless, jjk

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