Wednesday, April 08, 2009

FW: blog

where do we go from here, Second Chance, a Second Wind, the moments of Destiny are not gone but yet to come...the story of redemption, the story of chanigng commuities, of going to a new land or home like Moses, of building homes to remove mangers of substandard housing into simple decent homes, of helping those in need to those indeed with joy love and happiness after...what a second wind God gives us every day!!!!!

the headlines are full of second winds these days...Lloyd the ceo of Goldman Sachs writes...change the compensation....lawsuits happen in newspapers to regain stockholders shares...changing accounting laws to reflect new gains, or less losses (not srue)  big developers going broke so small businesses citizens and everdyay communitie heroes and seniors can live again in real community...


That is the real message.

Last Nite i was blessed to address two groups..I felt like Willie Nelson, on the Road again..across a county that is as big as some small Somers I was blessed to speak to volunteer be able to speak to a great group who like Habitat , housed 911 volunteers and supplies, like we did in the Armory....who like Habitat, helped in the Mamoroneck floods and are happy we are replacing homes...there, on LIz Covingtons house...who like Habitat save homeowners from fires, while we replace some homes and repair them, or donate furniture to fire victims.  They look for a second help see their kids who volunteer have ahome in the community...Mario asks, can you share withme some of your green weatherization adn construciton techniques...Vinnie talks about how he worked at Nelstadt and as president beleives the armory should be saved..Bob talks about how he lives in Newburgh now and how glad he was Habitat is there, which i helped get off the ground are needed for volunteer fire fighters across this county,...ask Danny Anderson and the Scarduzzios who got First Homes for First Responders...

Second wind, a new chance in destiny to rebuild...


IN Isaiah....Woe to that that make wicked laws, and whey they write, write injustice.

To oppress the poor in judgement and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people, that widows might be their prey and that they might rob the fatherless.." in Ch 10..what will you do in the day of judgement..

Many state this is the day of judgement...every day is a day of judgement, a new opporutnity in destiny to get it right.. to help our firefightres, our seniors and famlies and workers have simple homes..



Along with I spoke to a group of business people after on Green Building with Habitat,

A second wind to get our earth right,, John and Frank of Green Tree Energy Services have a Second chance in Destiny to help others get it right, to save energy, to save the environment, to work on homes and retrofit and weatherize, to help others...we have a Second wind, a second chance in destiny to get it revert our earth to saving utilities, to build energy efficient homes like Habitat of Westchester has been recognized to have a second wind to change transportation, like Dave McKay Wilson has pushed with the Bike club of Westhcester and SoNo New Ro, and to help make our communtiies green again.


A shout out to Jaynie Chase was there, Chevys wife, who has been pushing a greener world in her work for years.. The Chases first donated to us their first hot water heater, for reuse, 8 years ago, and they have helepd us ever since in donating supplies to us..


This Holy Week and Easter and Passover, dont miss the Second Wind, SEcond Chance, second time in Destiny to get it right...God bless, jjk


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