Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FW: blog

A meeting with Steve Otis, Mayor of Rye, Marianne Sussman of city council of new Rochelle and also Judy Meyers, county legislator on the radio show Iin New Rochelle, the flood problems, what has been accomplished as of this time…two years later, a thrity month study begins again…Home Rule, becomes the challenge…water from the flood knows no boundaries…everyone is working hard as of this time, no question, everyone is working hard to be able to see us move ahead and have the flood problems fixed, however there will be no resoutions if government doesn’t work together…in a good way, we are often the middle vehicle to bring process happening, to start cleaning rivers, to start helping make things move..Today I commit to update on our web site, info on the flood and what we can do as homeowners and advocates, to keep the problem getting fixed…here are some things that don’t get talked about often…like

Overdevelopment in White Plains, has the concrete surfaces and the malling out of WP caused rivers down county to overflow

Undermaintainance of our areas, has the lack of maintainance regularly of the Sheldrake of Saxon woods reservoir of the rivers, caused the rivers to fill up quickly as debris and trees and shopping carts get thrown in and we see water fill up faster during the rain.

Have we gotten away from taxpayers being protected and the tax breaks of developers who often give major political donations to both parties, caused a neglect that borders that of New Orleans….and levies being undone..all of these thoughts flood my mind this morning…..lets see what we can do to solve it …stay tuned..


I am proposing Habitat engage two more Americorp teams, I will be meeting with Congresswoman Nita Loweys office  Thursday, as well as regular updates….


I was honored to be in Yonkers yesterday..where with the planning dept, we moved ahead on Purser Place, on our new neighborhood on Orchard Street, on our targeting our collective neighborhoods.  

We have been blessed to adopt and be empowered to help many in the following neighborhoods.

 Purser Place, 4 homes being finished, ten homes rehabbed in the neighborhood, four parts painted, a playground painted and more..

The Hollows, this great neighborhood on Porach Street, Mulberry, of off Ashburton is our home territory for 11 years..9 homes built, two parks painted, ten homes painted, Longfellow school fences painted, a community garden started, a church rehabbed and painted…and much more…..amazing

 The Willow neighborhood by Cottage apartments…7 homes bult, more land being purchased…cottage apts community rooms painted, and a seniors home rehabbed, and a church painted…as well as the playground painted…

 Summit Avenue neighborhood, soon to be a new Habitat hood…

Also we are introducing a green energy home in Yonkers, an amazing highly visibile project with all the latlest green technologies, stay tuned!



We also spoke about a larger Restore in Yonkers, stay tuned!




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