Monday, June 29, 2009

FW: blog

SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH!!!! coming strong, into our place of building...they continue to partner...I am asking Shiloh to be able to help lead our exciting BUILDING ON FAITH WEEK, THIS FALL...WE ARE CHALLENGING ALL CONGREGATIONS, OUR JEWISH, CHRISTIAN, MUSLIM, HINDI BROTHERS AND SISTERS TO COME OUT WITH THE THEOLOGY OF THE HAMMER, Joining us to build now more than ever!!!!! Our mortgages are interest free, built with Love and helping to be able to change families lives for ever....

what a profound thought that is..on Orchard Street, we will see this happen in a big a way that will help to be able to change the neigbhorhood...days like helping with 90 ABC Disney volunteers, or others...we have so many who come out with us!!!! what a great thing this is.!


The HolySpirit is alive and well, and with prayer we can see so many things change....

Todays Hilite is that i am off to work with the dept of Labor to be able to writing a grant that will include us in the following, teaching at risk kids and teens and non college kids to learn Green Building skills, Green weatherization and Green efforts of helping in communities..


Tonite is the Mamoroneck Flood meeting in Mamoroneck..and tomorrow I address the Green Business Summit, in Yonkers.!!!!!!


We are in an Exciting Time here in Habitat..


Last 15 teenagers come in to volunteer today, along with the great Korean Presbyterian church in Queens.. a great group!!!!!! every year they come..!!!!!!! God bless you !


May you have the Best fourth of July Week ever...with gratitude to God for this ministry and for you!

JIm KIlloran


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