Wednesday, September 09, 2009

FW: blog

Yolanda Adams in the morning, TBN..the song goes..GOING UP YONDER, TO BE WITH OUR LORD, IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHERE I AM GOING...

we all will go there, if we have faith..every religious book, the Torah, Bible, Koran talks about being with the Lrod..the common element as well in all three books is the father Abraham..we all come from,who looked to the heavens in gratitude...the common element in action for all three is the theology of the hammer, building together in make heaven on earth, to Go Up Yonder, after we make it right here...can we do this..i truly believe iwth Gods help....and yours we can!


Today we welcome Harvey School coming out to build...60 strong, no question...working on sites, building, helping, working..preparing, what a great group, three days of 60 strong volunteers working togehter.. on sites, off question..thank you to Marc Brandon and to all the students, wroking together..


This weekend we have Larchmont Temple..Temple Tefilia, St Johns and Paul Holy Family, St. Lukes, and many many more joining us in our Building on Faith effort...what a great effort..for all of us!


I want to thank Bronxville Reformed Church for their partnership as well...assisting us and my meeting there yesterday. I was also blessed to meet with the Mayor of Bronxville,and the Village maanger yesterday....

Last thank you to my friends Lou Albano of city of Mt Verno and planning commission Jeff Williams, THE EXCITEMENT IS BUILDING!!!!!


James Killoran
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
Office: 914-636-8335 x 101
Fax: 914-636-8592


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