Thursday, June 17, 2010

FW: blog

Thankst o our friends in the Hollows last nite...on Poarch Street, on Mulberry on Seymour...a great neighborhood, habitat continues to be a force in helping to work iwth our families there, and our other neigbhors in ministry...there is nothing for the kids, one parent yells...the police respond, we have budget cuts..the council states no money to be found...but ..the crisis is the opportunity to be able to get people again together..can we start a Neighborhood watch, i ask...fifteen people sign up immediately..

two teens later state wtih a deflated basketball playing..with no hoop..they took our hoop down..

i went to the back of my car got my basketball gave it to them, and stated, we will get one donated for you..

it only takes a little from everyone to work together, and it multiplies...teh story cotninues..the dream continues the relationships build and the homes and our families blessing..


i sat on the porch with three of our families before the meeting at their home...nine habitat homes stood, we all helped build...we now rested, thanked God and celebrated our Holy Neighborhood, everyone together as a team..

two families before they lived there were affected by guns, one loss a life..others lived in they have their Habitat Hollows Neighborhood..God bless you all for supporting continuing efforts like these to change neighborhoods, wtih our wtihout budget cuts...we needyour support God bless you


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 106

Fax: 914-636-8592



Visit our New Warehouse Location at 

2 Cortlandt St, Mount Vernon.


Yonkers Event - 66 Main - Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Email me about our Builder's Camp program for youths, adults, and retirees.  




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