Thursday, March 22, 2012

FW: blog

What changes things..what do we do to help make our communities better…as I walk this early morning and say hola..dos periodicos por favor, cafĂ© con leche no azucar..I realize that all community is from the bottom up..thousands believe we need to create programs after programs..and there have been programs after study the problems    their endowments fund chairs around problems..while outside many of their walls, there is deep poverty…except for some universities like Clark U. and those that have embraced a town gown model of change….

In a meeting over yonkers..we discuss change…the buzz word..change comes with the people..Will our band leader of Habitats marching band, we started, knows we want the kids to build, with us, learning to build, grow with us, learning to grow with the habitat guerrilla gardeners..and study, while also playing music..

All of this is vital for our success..vital for change, ..

Every day the answers, new come from within all of us…change also comes from not all non diverse communities not changing their diversity, a controversial topic..that means all communities need diversity..God made us this way, not be to separate but to be diverse together, with all our blood He gave us the same color….so the journey continues….have a blessed day!

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