Thursday, February 05, 2015

FW: blog

Today we culminate more than 300 volunteers t his week..amazing for our Martin Luther King buildathon. For many years we have been building, #HYP Habitat young professionals, Churches, Synagogues and many many more.. we continue all faiths and no faith to build.

These songs bind us together, help give  us courage, help us to march together….Martin once spoke..

For us our Songs of hammers on our sites, of people laughing while painting, or cleaning a neighborhood,

Or the songs of cutting wood…these songs are unifying songs so we continue strong for the future.

Real estate is through the roof again…10.3 million for a condo on the top of white plains building..

#Millenials cant afford to live here, seniors, working people..this is UNACCEPTABLE.

Yet many make out but not the average joe and jill.

Its time to change this!

As we march to TRANSFORM THIRTY NEIGHBORHOODS IN OUR 30/30 CAMPAIGN. We will embark on a study to change lives, to make everyneighborhood NMU No Mor Ugly, like when we worked on Bond Street yesterday..

We will continue to move ahead……

With that in mind, we are blessed, to help to build to continue.

Today we welcome Linda Tarant Reid to our Restore, ….aka bookstore today as she signs books on #DiscoveringBlackAmerica..

Also I am honored tonite my interview on #K-Love is on at 830…giving this ministry to Jesus, to those of all faiths who help in the theology of the hammer…now more than ever…we have a Dream…..and we will get to the mountain everytime another home owner moves in!

I think of singing Marching to Zion in a third line New Orleans band type event..after we eulogized Millard Fuller  with presidents and paupers at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. An honor where Dr King would preach..

We March to Zion with the Rugged Cross, where we trade it for a hammer today with our volunteers, with mitzvah and charity, with love and beatitudes in our hearts, with black and white and Hispanic and jew and all working together…


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 


Please give this Holiday season;



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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

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