Friday, July 24, 2009

FW: blog

A time for prayer and action!  A time to get it right!  No we prepare for our BUILDING ON FAITH WEEK we get more and more congregations signing up..yesterday three Rabbis were approached by our team and their synagogues are signing up to build with us..

“Better than one day in your House” a Chrsitian song plays in the background…one day in your House.. the Jewish song could play…better than one day in your House..Salaam Alakem…the song could play.. I was honored to have a great discussion with two A team members about the Theology of the Hammer…I always believe it is like one big Kibbutz..people helping people side by side, no question…helping together…helping in faith and action… we spoke about the Koran Torah and Bible all stating we need to help one another… we all need to take the Love each book professes too and then go ahead and move it together and build together…NOWS THE TIME!!!!!!


God bless you all. j

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