Monday, July 06, 2009

FW: blog

Fifth of July...what does that mean, tired, fireworked out, do we still have the fever of independence..summers here...what do we do...

headlines over Albany and Thomas Paine...over dams that leak water gallons upon gallons...due to lack of infrastructure...being kept..lack of maintainance...a crumbling society the History Channel does a special on...history let gone down the river and sold by the Paine curators due to lack of raising money, and foolish efforts of preserving due to their lack of preserving much with history in this county...only trying to create a new one, knocking out the old...and what about affordable homes...Paine wrote with passion about the King and or in this case Kings...who have no real connection to how people live or work in the communities...the fire of Paine needs to be rekindled, incendiary for the cause of affordable homes, for real Green communities, for less cars, more bikes, more green more homes, better schools..real community development...


Our Local project comnmittee model enables to have people learn how to work within towns and help homes  be  built, help lives be changed, wiith the spirit of volunteerish, with the spirit of helping with the spirit of community!  It all happens, so people can have their lives changed, their lives improve, their lives be helped...wont you start a Local Project Committee Now!


God bless, have a great Fifth of July.....the time is now!


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