Friday, July 24, 2009


The rains the night..reading the Great Deluge..Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and theMississippi Guld Coast...i am reminded of rain has diffeent feelings for different people....

Sharon who eagerly awaits us to finihs her home..wonders when we can finish it rightly so..the wind and rain represent challenges to her back and her life..

Rodney now leafving harlem who left New livesin the Carolinas..the rain reminds him of the time the windshield was left open and he had to cover it with a plastic material driving from NOLA to New York..stopping in Verigina...getting almost mugged before he left the area..having to knock out a wood be muggger who wanted to take their car out ofhte Katrina ruined city...

then rain also represents to Darlene, to Liz to Keith, to our volunteers who help in Mamoroneck a different thing in terms of is the Sheldrake running over Howard avenue under water again...anymore development in white plains will ruin all our efforts...

For Maryluz and Andre who i went to Gretna and visited ..and saw their apartment ruined, and saw their need to move into a Habitat home here become permanent, rain repsesents now a chance for the family to snuggle in their tite comfy home in Yonkers we built for them..

what does rain represent to you? Join us during this Summer of Change to help get it right again.. God bless, jjk


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