Friday, April 23, 2010

FW: blog

A great Earth day///  Thank you Cisco and employees for allowing me to speak to families family day there..

It was a great success..Cisco is coming to join us, helping us to be able to build our Zero Energy Home, helping us to come and raise support in a grant and with their ToughMan competition,a triathalon…..amazing!!! Thank you Bill, Pam and Olof for your leadership in this..


Like so often Bill came out with his church..then he came out with his sons boyscouts troop then he got his company involved….Kathy this morning over coffee says Jim, my company wants to get involved, our headquarters in sweden encouraged it..


Schools, companies, congregations ..come with us join us change the county and world together!!!!! Its time Thank you


As I walked through downtown in Manhattan after speaking, there was a big Earth Day area for booths, in Times Square…many booths about biking, health supplies, healthy living….

Thanks to all who came by and got their CFL bulbs with a purchase at our Restore on Main Street


Last nite I was at a Public hearing on the lawsuit last nite, in Greenburgh…the lawsuit to build all over the county is strong, time to get busy everyone…we can do this..we can lead, we can help to have a vision that we build beautiful integrated affordable homes in every town and city.. we have always taken a lead in this…stay tuned..


Last help us at our Restores, give us a day a week volunteering….May God bless you..


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Visit the grand opening of our New Warehouse Location at  2 Cortlandt St, Mount Vernon on April 27th.


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