Monday, April 19, 2010

FW: blog

A great day no question..blessed this Sat..April 17th to have volunteers in the Restores on Courltandt St in MtVernon and in New Rochelle, volunteers painting in New Rochelle and in Peekskill. Volunteers in Mamoroneck and in Somers..all great thank God!

Off to Albany for part of the day..yesterday we had the speaker Claude Jeudy here from Haiti, speaking at anumber of venues. Thank you Fordham U. making a partnership with us..iona for sponsoring him to speak, Larry Gomez of Trump towers for raising money and all who came, especially mes amis a Leglise De Baptiste dan New Rochelle..


Every second is gift.. we are COMMITTED MORE THAN EVER to raise homes in Haiti to raise homes here in Westchester and to make it unacceptable for us to have anyone in substandard housing in this county and in this world.


Tomorrow I speak at First Baptist Church in White Plains..Thank you to my old friends, where we held our first meetngs there helping Habitat for Humanity of Westchester get off the ground. The same day we do a Brush with Kindness project in White Plains that day…stay tuned..THE MUSTARD SEED OF FAITH IN ACTION, OF MITZVAH, OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY AND EMPOWERMENT MOVES AHEAD


Ps we are looking for donated tools, donated plants and more!!! Join us..make a donation today



James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 101

Fax: 914-636-8592



Visit the grand opening of our New Warehouse Location at  2 Cortlandt St, Mount Vernon on April 27th.


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