Friday, July 02, 2010

FW: blog

Grateful for Indendence, this country, every country and freedom..freedom to live, speak, help others and pray no matter what religion. To that end we announce this 4th fo July our CAMPAIGN FOR A NEW HOME…for new homes for our families, for new homes for our Headuarters and for a new day in Westchester…Join us ..part of our kickoff we celebrate with a fun trolley ride..all over the city celebrating history and starting where our new headquarters is..


Join us!


James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 106

Fax: 914-636-8592



Visit our New Warehouse Location at 

2 Cortlandt St, Mount Vernon.


Yonkers Event - 66 Main - Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Email me about our Builder's Camp program for youths, adults, and retirees.  




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