Friday, July 23, 2010


A poet wrote…

Count up your conquests of sea and land,

Heap up your gold and hoard as you may

All you can hold in your cold dead hand

Is what you have given away


Poet EM Poteat….



What have you given away lately, what have you done to help others…much I am sure….we cant give more than God asks…God outgives back to us all the time..our very breathe, our safety our waking up..our food, legs, minds..etc…God is so good, we are called to help one another…no question.


Everyday we are great to be part of Habitat. This Friday we have Barclays, Starwood Hotels, volunteers from high school, as well as Citibank..

Yesterday we had a great LPC meeting in Chapaqua..Our Horace Greeley leaders, along with Leslie Fitts,Walter,Clark from the lpc, and others, find us rehabbing a seniors home who has needs..then the Carriage house, then our first affordable homes….it is an exciting to see this lpc move ahead


We are going to be having a series of LPC meetings that will meet regularly to help us with a Leadership conference call…what a great group who have helped us build in Chapaqua. Somers, Yonkers, New Rochelle, Mt Vernon, Portchester Greenburgh, Armonk, Croton, Bedford, and many many more towns…what a great team…with so many leading, like Ossining and White plains leaders too….our first LPCs ….

Stay tuned for Amazing things.. in all we do…


May God bless you …..join us in this endeavor in prayer and action!



James Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

Office:914-636-8335 ext 106

Fax: 914-636-8592



Visit our New Warehouse Location at 

2 Cortlandt St, Mount Vernon.


Email me about our Builder's Camp program for youths, adults, and retirees.  


Habitat of Westchester and Harley Davidson present a raffle to win a 

2011 883 N Sportster Harley Davidson

$100 per ticket (only 250 will be sold!)

Drawing will take place at the Hearts Harley and Habitat Event on Feb. 12, 2011

Contact me to get your ticket today!!!  Winner need not be present to win!





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