Thursday, August 25, 2011

FW: blog

Each day is gift..last nite I walked down to the WTC again..the same day we had an earthquake here in NY…..a post  from California writes..a small tremor..get over it…

I remember walking down to Canal St..seeing dust on absolutely everything..dust of buildings…of bodies..of rubble or paper…as i walked to Canal last nite, I saw the lights of Silverstein properties..amazingly    moving up..the WTC builders..the spirit of positive blessed energy of all those construction workers..the world looks watches..

We have not been bombed here, we have not been blown up..I really thought by now terrorists would have hit here by now..honestly..thank God for the police, the secutiry, the Veterans..the soldiers, the country..and other countries ..we take so much for granted….so much! Pray today folks, we all need it, no matter what faith..then act with us in rebuilding our WTCenters…our community centers, our gardens, our homes, our solar factory, our jobs, our community building…if we can rebuild WTC, we can rebuild this country..with everyone, no matter what faith or faith a simple decent home! God bless you all..America and every country in the world!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101




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