Friday, February 15, 2013

FW: blog

40,000 families still without a place to live..

Sandys wrath still has deep pain..but with your help..we can change this..with your hands. Hearts, hammers,

Your donation…your love…

Who would believe this would ever happen..just try to fathom today your whole life is changed, gone..your computer, your tables, clothes,

Photos, kids clothes, important life papers..everything, and your house..what now..

We cant fathom the stress that occurs and is still occurring with famiilies…

Habitat of Westchester is bringing bringing help, is bringing love to those in need..

With sheetrock, insulation,

With caring and listening, with rebuilding and helping..

Tomorrow we have H2H, Bank of America comes out with a large group.continuing their volunteer effort..

Our friends from all over come..

Can you help  please… email


God bless you


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



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