Monday, November 10, 2008

Fw: blog

Gratitude infused outlook...thats what we need to have states Deborah Norville..for sure..we need to be able to have an attitude of gratitude..King David always stated that in his much we take for granted...
an attitude of gratitude was in order for so much on Sat. and Sun whe i saw hundreds touch our homes...touch our Restores volunrteer from westchester to the S BRonx...
from NYC they came from NYU from Katonah to Yonkers...from Harvey, from Chappaqua and Horace Greeley to Mamoroneck, from Grenwich Ct. to Rye NY, three different areas, volunteers came to work our sites...that is an attitude of gratitude I have for what we have created with a dedicated team and lots of hard work, community organizing and sharing the word on what needs to be really done to fix our communities..then this morning Dave Litzky calls, after seeing me yesterday on his bike, lets get a high school club in Mt Vernon going...lets make it happen...he calls the principal and a meeting is set for the an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE..last ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE TO RON PINELLA, FROM STRUCTURETONE, AND POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY..sending future construciton leaders onto our sites to get practical experience, like FX architects want to in a 100 plus firm..its all good, actually its all GREAT!
God bless, jjk

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