Monday, November 17, 2008

Fw: blog

Off to our walkathon...the newsline on ch 12 says, teenager shot. no name, in a shooting in yonkers..almost perfunctorily...antyime any bullet goes off it should be a cry of outrage against violence.!!!! people like Jim Bostic and the city of yonkers have been combatting this..pray for safety of neighborhoods..
a partner comes into place wtih me.. this morning over coffee, i want to buy a warehouse as an investment..
join us i tell him, partner with us as a profit not for profit partner...this can be question..
what can we do to capitalize in this market to make real affordable housing on mass...
stay tuned, then another friend calls, did you see T boone pickens on tv...going green we have too..i tell him we have tried to introduce wind in three cities so far...has to be done..going Green will be Green..
off to walk so many thoughts so many prayers so much to be grateful for!!!!!!!

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