Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fw: b log

The Rock..I am writing this from the Rock..."the Rock"...our new Habitat Restore named after Norman Rockwell....the other store may be called the Remington....but the Rock is named after Rockwell who lived in New rochelle and painted here for at least twenty years...
I unconscioulsy decided that even if it wasnt an ideal world, it should be and so painted only the ideal aspects of it, pictures which there are no drunken slatterns or self centered mothers...only foxy grandpas who played baseball with kids and boys who fished from logs and got up circuses in the backyard...  he wrote...
.as he used New Rochelle as his canvas.. a place where he cared about the average common person.... "Without thinking too mcuh about it in specific terms, I was showing the America I knew and oberved to others who might not have noticed.  Myu fundamental purpose is to interpret the typical American.  I am a story teller."  wrote Rockwell....well our stories in Habitat are written in the walls of 2 x 4s in sweat equity of Hastings high school kids in Mamoroneck today, in Anthonys bullet lodge forever in his body, reminding us to get him out of the tough neighborhood as soon as we the common person who works side by side with the CEO who is as common and as important as the the Jew and the Gentile, in the wonder counselor, in the Prince of Peace of the streets, in the Christmas hearts of every one who  dreams of a better tomorrow and a better today....for no one is common, we are all unique but no one is better than the next...and we are all deserving of living in decency in happinenss and with the same freedoms...this was Rockwells dream, this is Habitats dream.. God bless

so let us work together in this endeavor .....plese help us be supported..KJoin us atthe Rock Rstore at 591 Main Street...for a presentation by the Rockwell Muesum on Jan 19th as Norman Rockwell as civil Rights activist...also a whole schedule will be planned here as we develop the community for the common person on Main Streets and in the nieghborhoods building in love together...JJK

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