Friday, February 27, 2009

FW: blog

NYSERDA..what is this..what can it do for can we be involved with a great arm of the government..NYSERDA has been on the cutting edge of introducing info to the public on a number of things..from helping ith our Energy Star rated homes to that of assisting with helping families get energy efficient appliances. To assisting with helping to weatherize homes…I will be meeting with them in Albany today proudly to be able to meet with them to discuss how since 1997 we have utilizing green efficient products and building styles, as well as how we will be able to move ahead in helping others in our neighborhoods, become a Green neighborhood..stay tuned more to follow..

Yesterday ch 12 news did a story on us which I am grateful on…about our work with Credit Suisse, our work with volunteers during tough economic times, and our work on getting people back into their homes.  We have many companies starting to call us now gratefully and look forward to being with many during these interesting economic times..most necessary.

A special shout out to Hank  Hyatt a good friend, who has been helping with getting his employees from Credit Suisse out and doing a great job at it..

He has been assisting bringing groups out, and also helping to come out with his own family…Leaders like Hank cant be hilited enough in our world, who care not only for a day, but regularly as they lead others to help in our important mission…Thanks Hank…


It was a beautiful building day and a shout  out also to our strong high school group…JFK, who came to the Mt Vernon YMCA..and helped paint a shelter for homeless men..SROS there..The high schools are our future, and inspire me daily..Take Jared my leader from New Rochelle High School, or Jessica, from New Rochelle, and Tim from Lincoln..both work hard, are involved with many many different activities, but find time to come and visit and brainstorm with me about how we can get the youth more involved..they bring many out to our sites and Restores all the time, a great Blesing..thank you …






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