Wednesday, March 04, 2009

FW: blog


Todays Wednesday.. I do a radio show on WVOX every wed from 9-930am..I get to talk about great things like college kids volunteering , the need for homes…companies coming to join us, the state of the state..have had Bob Vila…someone from a tv show on..senators, mayors and more..high school leaders, faith leaders and others..I thank WVOX for allowing me to have a voice on this important station…  1460am


In terms of yesterday another great day..

We had a building permit in the great town of Mamoroneck to start our Mamoroneck House there,

We have volunteers in Yonkers

We received great donations from Sony Pictures for our Restore, and I met Kiersten and Holly there and Grace..they donated from a whole televison production set, as well as pictures, and more

We had a meeting with Tim Idoni County Clerk…albeit in the train station as he was on a conference to Washington

We spoke with NYSEDA about moving ahead on our Energy Initiatives

We confirmed trips to New Orleans, trips from Maine to Westchester by college students.

Had a national conference call on the National Service March 14th for founder Millard Fuller at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta

Prepared for the Rotary of Mt Vernon to join our radio show, as well as St. Josephs College of Maine.

Looked at sites in New Rochelle to build on

Had an zero Energy conference call about two green homes in our county, one in Yonkers, one in White PLains

Spoke with Goldman Sachs, about their building a home with us.

Spoke with city about land….all good…

 A typical day in the life of Habitat and much blessed to be part of this great endeavor..

God bless, J

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